Drums and percussion lessons

Drums and percussion lessons for all levels, from totally beginers to advanced. Lessons are usually split in two parts: first based on the suggested program by the teacher; second based on the students needs, concerns and doubts.

  • Beginners, intermediate and advanced levels

  • Technique and posture from an anatomical vision

  • Sound: it is in your hands and ears

  • Music on the drum set – from Songs to Free

  • Accompaniment

  • Tradition and transgression

  • Subdivisions and groupings: beyond triplets and 4-tuplets

  • Rhythmic precision and phrasing over different genres

  • Lessons taught in English and Spanish

For more info:

Guillermo Martín-Viana (Sevilla, Spain, 1995) is a drummer, composer and visual artist based in The Hague (NL). His multifaceted artistic career has taken him through some of the most important stages in the Netherlands (Paradiso, Het Concertgebouw Kleine Zaal, Paard, Oerol, Zwarte Cross, Parkpop, Melkweg, De Ruimte) as well as through a variety of venues around the world (South Korea, Nepal, Mexico, Italy, Japan, India, Belgium), playing styles as diverse as hard bop, cumbia, electroacoustic music, jazz, klezmer, free improvisation, ska and thrash metal.

The unifying force behind Guillermo’s artistic eclecticism is his love for sound and its various relationships in/with space. As an improvising musician and performer, he is known for his instant sonic and spatial composition ability, as well as his grounded and joyful groove. He has released thirteen albums, seven of which he also produced or co-produced, with groups such as Mamihlapinatapai, Naftule, 1LL0~, Almost Gone and Alba Careta Quintet. His latest project as leader, composer and producer, Songs of Rage and Impotence, will see the light of day in the spring of 2024, featuring a combination of modern jazz aesthetics, indie-pop/rock ambience and contemporary electro-acoustic processing in the form of an extended quartet.

In addition to his musical background, Guillermo is an active painter, graphic designer, developer and multimedia artist. He is known for fusing musical and visual creations, producing multidisciplinary performances that immerse the audience in his artistic world. His most recent multimedia works are based on the development of generative visual systems in TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine with various forms of interaction and reactivity to sensors. His interest focuses on the creation of “instruments” and interfaces that are controlled live, allowing for organic performances with a high degree of improvisation and audience interaction. Some of these productions include Fun Fin Orchestra (2023-ongoing, as Common Dream in collaboration with Emilio Parrilla), an audiovisual interactive game-piece designed to introduce young musicians to free improvisation through a live videogame/concert format; NephSye° (2023, in collaboration with Carlos Ema), a site-specific electro-acoustic, audiovisual and live pottery performance exploring the visual and sonic possibilities of the ceramic world; TouchyChother Ensemble (2022, as 1LL0~ in collaboration with Juanlu Montoro), a participatory online audiovisual ensemble with visuals and electronics generated live through online interaction with smartphones; PARARSE (2021, as 1LL0~ in collaboration with Juanlu Montoro), an intervention of absolute short films with live visuals, lights, electronics and drums.


Photo by Eric Chandra

Contact: info@guillermomviana.com